The mayors' summit is a four-day gathering that began yesterday with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg as its host.
The document is among several that the bishops, meeting in a downtown hotel, will consider in their four-day gathering.
As they concluded their four-day gathering, the owners also voted by 28-3 to bring instant replay back for next season.
That sense of diffuse inclusiveness was the signature of the four-day gathering.
The International Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus says the nationwide average for convention delegates last year was $688 for a four-day gathering; the city is figuring on about $1,400.
A four-day gathering next month will bring representatives of 14 arts centers and their neighboring school systems to the center to see how the education program works.
The four-day gathering for artists and bands from twelve countries showed the diversity and power of today's young European improvising music.
Some 30,000 Baha'is from around the world are expected at the four-day gathering, which marks 100 years since the death of the Baha'i prophet, Baha'u'llah.
Pressures facing the brokers are so acute that the industry trade group that is host for the four-day gathering will break with tradition this year.
ABC had outfitted Ms. McCain with a video camera and was planning to regularly show portions of her "video diary" during the four-day gathering.