This fountain contained no angels whatsoever.
The lower level's fountain contains one of the few sculptures commissioned specifically for the park, the Angel of the Waters.
False memory said the fountain had contained a golden Buddha overlaid with Balrog moss.
Overall, the "fountain" contains many millions of stars.
She looked like a fountain contained within some exquisite sculpture.
The fountain now contains only one, very weak jet and most of the plants are different than the ones that were carefully selected by Sasaki for the original garden.
If the fountain contains the parasite," she mused, rising, "Why do you bother to share blood with those you make?
The fountain contained antique brick from the Erie Canal.
The fountain of water often contains glochidia, and it is suggested that this spurting behavior may facilitate dispersal of mussel larvae.
For that matter, the reservoir drums and the fountains may not have contained normal H2O.