Later, when three Apple employees left to found General Magic, Apple became a founding investor in the company.
Those two countries are the base for several founding investors and leaders in the bank.
Each founding investor was limited to a 2 percent share.
The company was inaugurated in June; the founding investors have contributed $10m, and are in the process of raising the balance.
Goulstone was a founding investor and share holder in the Perseverance Mining Company.
He was also a founding investor in the Atlantic City Race Course.
Kacyvenski is a founding investor in b.good, a chain of healthy fast food restaurants located in Boston.
He is the founding investor and also a board member of CrowdFlower as well as several other companies.
Bermeister is a founding investor in a number of successful technology and real estate ventures including Skype.
He was a founding investor and board member of a number of publicly traded companies.