They were picked up by another vessel and taken to Aden where they told a story of violent passengers and a foundering ship.
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers trace their history to two pups who were rescued from a foundering ship in Maryland in 1807.
Heaven grant that we may not be called to make like efforts, and to make them hopelessly, for a foundering ship!
The hallways in 305 West 150th Street all slant to the west, toward Bradhurst Avenue, giving one the sense of walking aboard a foundering ship.
My brain turned over like a foundering ship.
The foundering ship fought his control like a deranged animal.
The whole of this floating town canted to one side or another like a foundering ship, pitched and turned slowly, and the sun cast continually moving shadows, which crept among the ruined alleys.
It's a terrific simulation of the storm-tossed deck of a foundering ship, but it's also a dandy way to dismiss the play.
Right now Kentucky is a foundering ship.
Like a foundering ship, he sank each day deeper into an acceptance of routine pain and decreased vitality.