The brand icon is the brass knuckles, which symbolizes the bond the founders share as well as their belief in working with friends and family.
The orchestra's founder, Thomas Beecham, shared the conducting with Monteux.
T , known as "T Squared," got that name because its two founders shared the first name Tom.
Reuters has long since passed from any relationship with the family of its founder, but it does have a special instrument called a "founders share" to prevent takeovers.
The company used no job titles, nor provided private offices (even the founders shared an office).
Before having venues, founders shared works of art hanging from clothes lines in their backyards.
This is due to the fact that the studio made its debut in the poorly-insulated apartment that the three founders shared.
When the College of Design was established as an independent college in 1964, its founders shared a vision of design excellence.
The founders whose work he supervised had shared his dreams of immortality as they made things as impractical and beautiful as bells, bells, bells.
The group finally decided to focus on music as it was still a new market online at that time, and the founders also shared the interest.