Still, Omega's founders also recognize that, until now, more evolved individuals haven't done much to produce a more evolved planet.
It's tempting now and then to wonder whether the founders of the great corporate dynasties would recognize or approve of what, in time, those dynasties became.
Or perhaps the founders recognized, as Judge Bork apparently cannot, that in a society that strives to be free, freedoms must of necessity be innumerable.
Because of their entrepreneurial background in the field of technology, both founders had recognized a need for a simple to use digital communication software.
At the time, the company's founders recognized a growing trend towards convenience in the financial services industry.
It is a place, in other words, that the asylum's founders might recognize.
The founders recognized the need to document the history and patrimony of the Bauhaus architecture in Tel Aviv.
Its first programme was in southern Afghanistan, where the founders of the organization recognized the strong link between war and health.
The founders early recognized that professional teachers need reliable knowledge about the conditions under which children learn most effectively.
When the client backed out, Knowland's founders recognized the hospitality industry's need for a higher standard of market intelligence.