The business took off, and its founders made a lot of money and received the credit they deserved for being daring visionaries.
For the final ceremony, the founder, Stanley Marcus, received one of his own awards.
In the first month the founders engage the mentors and receive feedback on their product or service.
Another founder, Steven Chen, received 625,366 shares and an additional 68,721 in a trust, for more than $326 million.
They were unable to do so; the school occupied a former day care and the founders received a $65,000 loan, with the house being the collateral.
Because they were all shareholders of Capstone, the three founders also received cash dividends every quarter.
The company is profitable and the founders could receive millions of dollars a year if it simply paid a regular dividend.
The founder received a prize for his work in international exhibition in Paris of 1937.
The two founders have received praise for their entrepreneurship.
The founder cannot receive any benefits from the foundation or have reverted the initial assets.