Accordingly, the founders of the club held a meeting to form and elect the first board of directors.
Among them, the founders hold 50% in the publishing company, while the Slate Group holds 15%.
Today, the three founders hold pretty much the same positions at the Seattle-based company that they did then.
The founders held focus groups and systematically spread the word, holding meetings in several neighborhoods.
The founder, Ray Kroc, held the position from 1977 until he died in 1984.
The founders hold a combined 20.1% share of the company, with the remaining 8.5% being publicly traded.
The founders of City Year are not holding their breath waiting on Federal money.
In 1985 the founders held a contest to come up with a name for the company.
To spread the word about the new venture, the founders held an open house for the social service workers who would be making those referrals.
But the founder did not hold his charge very long.