The founders designed the Code of Labour Practices for the Garment Industry.
Telechron's founder, Henry Warren, the inventor of the electric clock, also designed master clocks to install in power stations around the country to standardize electrical output.
Oxo started 15 years ago when its founder, Sam Farber, designed vegetable peelers and jar openers that would spare his wife's arthritic hands.
Wellspring's founders designed its curriculum and staffing to support student learning in both Arabic and English equally, and in all subject areas.
Its founder, Alexander Johnston Cassatt (1939-1906), designed a barge large enough to carry 18 railcars.
The founders designed the House of Representatives to represent the people rather than the states, which each send two Members to the U.S. Senate.
The founders designed the city plan of the colonial capital, St. Mary's City, to reflect their world view.
Moshé Feldenkrais physicist and the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, designed to improve human functioning by increasing self-awareness through movement.
Ace's founders, David Weingarten and Lucia Howard, designed the building to look like a sea monster.
The founders of VoIPClub originally designed the telecommunications product for PC platforms.