She is the daughter of U Aung San, considered the founder of the nation, who was assassinated in 1947, just before independence.
Our nation's founders considered intellectual property important enough to include in the Constitution, but did not establish the system for the sake of the inventor.
It's even gotten to the point where Seaside's founder, Robert Davis, is considering valet parking.
She worked closely with Edward Flatau, considered the founder of modern neurology.
Sanders contributed in an unusual way to the early work of Wallace Sabine, considered the founder of architectural acoustics.
It is not likely that our founders considered the right to ownership of property as absolute.
Grin's founders considered suing, but had run out of money, leading them to stop production after six months of work.
The group's founder and director, Godfrey Evans, considered him to be "a total all-rounder" who was talented and popular with the other students.
So that's one issue is there isn't any specific prohibition - of course the founders didn't really consider encryption when they wrote the Constitution.
Its position seems so strong that I.D.G.'s founder is considering public stock offerings in the company's businesses.