It was founded in 2010 by political strategist, commentator, and author, Erica Payne, the founder of the consulting firm, the Tesseract Group.
It was founded by the environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author Paul Hawken.
Narrative Magazine was founded in 2003 by former Esquire editor Tom Jenks and author, Carol Edgarian.
ACT-SO was founded in 1978 by author and journalist Vernon Jarrett.
Torchbearers International was founded by speaker and author Major W. Ian Thomas, in England, in 1947.
The brand was founded by award-winning British fashion designer, author and entrepreneur Samata Angel.
The WCS was founded in 1993 by author and scholar Andrée Aelion Brooks.
It was founded by Mick Raich, a speaker and author on issues, practices and trends related to pathology practice and laboratory billing.
The Women of Color Resource Center is an American civic organization founded in 1990 by executive director Linda Burnham, a long time activist and author.
It was founded by Mr. Hatef Mokhtar, a renowned human rights activist, author and Afghan political analyst.