Haim Zadok & Co. was founded in 1958 by Haim Yosef Zadok, a prominent lawyer and former Labor minister.
It was founded in 2008 by a Russian lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, and is funded by Russian NGOs and private businesses.
Probe, founded 27 years ago by its president, Victor Schnee, a former lawyer and McKinsey & Company consultant, has been on an apocalyptical roll of late.
It was founded by Albert Sebag, a lawyer and a chemist who had helped a family friend find and enroll in a clinical trial when she had metastatic colon cancer.
The College is traditionally considered to have been founded in 1509 by a lawyer, Sir Richard Sutton, of Prestbury, Cheshire, and the Bishop of Lincoln, William Smyth.
El Nuevo Cojo was founded by Gustavo Morales, a Venezuelan lawyer and New York resident, who frequently contributes history and opinion articles.
It was founded by Basdeo Panday, a lawyer and former trade unionist.
AUA was founded by Neal S. Simon, a lawyer and former president of Ross University.
The trips are put together not by the prison but by a five-year-old organization called Aid to Imprisoned Mothers, founded by a lawyer named Sandra Barnhill.
Estridentismo was founded by Manuel Maples Arce (1900-8 ), a lawyer and poet who wished to renew Mexican poetry along lines suggested by the European avant-garde.