The primary foundation of this strategy is selling less of more.
In the end, the foundation sold only 50,000 tickets, and barely covered their expenses.
Last year, the foundation towed and sold 44,500 vehicles for a total of $9.1 million.
In an effort to help raise the remaining $14 million to complete the restoration, the foundation is selling wall listings for $100 each.
In 1971, the foundation sold a significant part of its holdings in the Celanese company.
The foundation would later sell the stock, using the proceeds to help extend coverage to the uninsured.
By the time the foundation sold the stock, it was worth $40 million.
Under the agreement, the foundation can sell the theater and surrounding land.
The foundation sold that building and bought the 2.5 acres edging the sculpture park.
As luck would have it, the foundation sold the shares almost immediately, cashing in near the top.