And certainly the foundations produce important tax advantages.
Beside meetings, the foundation produces a series of research reports and engages its members in sector specific initiatives.
The foundation produces reproducible pilot programs in South Carolina communities for global export.
Based on the information, the foundation would produce periodic report cards on quality of care, matters like the recovery rates from colon cancer treatment or heart attacks.
The foundation produces two audio podcasts, For Good Reason and Consequence.
The foundation produces performing arts and educational programs in 700 of the city's 1,700 parks.
The foundation has also produced academic publications, many of which are available online or in the museum's store.
The foundation now produces summer concerts in the Harlem park.
The foundation has produced a five-year plan that Mr. Crijns estimates would cost $2.7 million.
The foundation has produced Deluge, a show first presented in Laikipia, Kenya.