In the Indies, the foundation of Batavia formed the permanent center from which Dutch enterprises, more mercantile than colonial, could be coordinated.
Big individual donors and large foundations - the Scaife family and Olin foundations, for instance - form the base of the pyramid.
For the first time, Mr. Delfay said, the foundation has formed a political action committee to influence elections in November.
The foundations and the line of about half of these Roman walls form part of the existing walls, as follows:
The ace forms the primary foundation and the eight cards form the reserve.
Thus, the foundation of this city had formed by two waves of Canarians.
Iowa followed in 1989 and in California, several foundations have formed a partnership with the state to create school-based services.
The remaining foundations for the Alderney jetty formed an obstruction to the commercial quay extension project carried out in 2008/9.
Its square foundations still formed a discernible impress in the grass, though no one who wasn't looking for it would know it was there.
The foundation has formed an advisory committee of 30 local leaders that will support projects to reduce teen-age pregnancy and promote youth employment.