"They may even have found the wreck and not figured out how to open the pods."
The company that found the wreck is arguing with the State of California over title and salvage rights.
In the school he found the wreck of a computer and decided to start computer classes with laptops donated by his friends.
There's a very good reason why nobody's ever found the wreck of the Titanic: it's sitting out there rusting away.
Within minutes they had found the legendary wreck, exactly 334 years to the day of its sinking.
A local resident found the wreck at about 11:30 that night.
Local recreational divers found the wreck in 1979 following a movement of the surrounding sand.
We found the wreck without our lights," Austin said.
Other individuals claim to have found the wreck in other places, leaving its true location a mystery.
"I admit we haven't found the wreck, and may not, for some time."