They found the virus in only 1 of 27.
Tests in birds, animals and mosquitoes have found the virus in 32 states, compared with 20 a year ago.
Dr. Gupta said he had also found the virus in the woman's 38-year-old daughter, who is healthy.
An American team from Harvard also found the virus in West Africans.
I found the virus, dosed it, that's first priority.
Lucy did not look at me when she answered, 'I found the virus and have planted my own.
Health officials were already concerned because sporadic sampling had found the virus in small numbers of Caribbean immigrants and drug addicts.
A study done in 2006 found the virus on several surfaces used for food preparation 7 days after contamination.
He said he had found the virus in a 66-year-old woman and her 38-year-old daughter.
But tests after her death found the virus.