Blerick, also founded in Roman times, on the other side of the river, was known as Blariacum.
The port town of Maracaibo was founded in 1529 on the western side.
He founded a new village on the other side of the river from Scottsbluff in 1949 and called it Terrytown.
He founded a town on the west side of the reservation.
Between them, they amassed a huge fortune acquired vast lands and founded an aristocratic colony on the western side of Serampore with their family.
The town was founded in 1790 on the north side of the Waterway, from which it takes its name.
A short time later a third town, called Highland, was founded on the west side of the South Platte River.
Later she founded a daughter house on the other side of the river near Rüdesheim.
A school had been founded on the south side of the church as well; in 1878 this moved to a larger site on nearby Strood Road.
Denver was founded three weeks later on the opposing side (east side) of Cherry Creek.