A 2009 study found small improvements in some areas of medical reporting in Australia, but the overall quality remained poor, particularly in commercial human-interest television programs.
"We found marked improvements in blood flow and two and a half times fewer cardiac events," in patients on his program, he said.
In 1992, the civil rights commission gave the police an failing grade in race relations, although the it later found improvements.
Some other studies have found improvements in risk factors for crime such as substance abuse.
The report, which compares the findings of an investigation earlier this year with two earlier reviews, found significant improvements in the timeliness of investigations.
Several studies have found improvements in specific symptoms of ADHD following working memory training.
However, testing found limited improvements in efficiency and noise levels, and problems with reliability.
Almost all of the cases found outstanding improvements in employee- generated ideas for saving money and improving productivity and quality.
After seven and 26 weeks, the study found significant improvements in recovery rates in the manual therapy group compared to the others.
But a second inspection found improvements in most areas.