Soon, he found hints that he was on the right trail.
Over the last few years, investigators have found more and more hints that cancer is not what they always thought it was.
Siuan said if you read between the lines, you found hints of things that had not been recorded even there.
Scholars have also found intriguing hints that pirates were not exclusively European, as is often pictured.
Throughout the building, Mr. Mulford found hints of the past.
I found hints of the Krasnegar word in a very old text.
Satellite observations had first detected vapor here, then found hints of vent chemicals.
Some commentators have found hints of the blues in the slow introduction to the first movement.
Caseworkers responded immediately and found hints of abuse beyond the doctor's observation.
Instead, they found hints that Alzheimer's disease could have already begun in some women by the time they entered the convent.