It's not as if they have wars, more like they fight in the streets every night We've found big eggs.
I found new eggs in the henhouse.
As for tryptophan, the body can't make it, so diet must supply this chemical, which is found poultry, meat, cheese, yogurt, fish, and eggs.
He found eggs, but the steps necessary to change them from raw egg to tasty omelet eluded him.
We found eggs and much smaller specimens of the creature, one of which we sacrificed.
Last week I searched and found several vintage eggs for sale.
We found bread, cheese, jam and eggs in his cupboard.
If she had found eggs, she would have stuffed them in the cavities of the birds, but it was not the season for eggs.
Some would rather eat found meat, dairy and eggs than let food go to waste.
He put it on the stove and found eggs and bacon in the refrigerator.