Mercury has also been found in the creek downstream from the Superfund site and is being investigated by local college professors.
Also, in Missouri, the body of a 19-year-old man was found about 2 miles downstream from where he was reported swept into a creek the previous evening.
The effort to recover and bury bodies lasted for weeks, with one student being found 50 miles downstream.
Several were found near villages downstream.
Large amounts of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals have been found downstream from sewage plants for pharmaceutical industries.
The girls were not, and their battered bodies were found downstream last week.
His body was found downstream several days after the water receded.
But Officer Nguyen's body was found 90 feet downstream from the truck.
Large ranches and cattle grazing are typical of the area although some irrigated agriculture is found downstream from Folsom.
Neither of these species are found downstream of the Kaieteur Falls.