The airline was founded in 2006 as a joint Turkish-British project, with the first commercial flight taking place in May 2009.
It was founded in 1970 as a project of First Presbyterian Church, also in Macon.
The team was founded in 2002 by Seedorf himself, as a project that he was undertaking to support young sportsmen.
Diorama was founded in 1996 as a musical project of Torben Wendt.
The lodge was founded as a political project, based on the struggle for equality, liberty and fraternity.
The organization was initially founded as a project of the Tides Center by five activists from various fields.
Ùr-sgeul was founded in 2003 as a project to promote new Gaelic fiction.
The organization was not, as the article indicates, founded specifically as a poetry program or a project for semilliterate farm workers or nursing homes.
MOCA London was founded in 1994 as a project based museum.
It was founded on 13 October 1963 as a joint project between the Ford Foundation and the University.