The incidence of the disease is increasing rapidly; a 2009 study found a 30% increase in 7 years.
The polls last week found an increase in the President's already high job approval rating.
The study also found an increase in the number of women who used family planning and contraceptives.
Another study of hospital patients in the same period found an increase to 18 percent, from zero.
Some 17,878 students have found a place through clearing, compared to 13,597 a year ago - a 31% increase.
The latest report found a similar increase in risk after 5.6 years of follow-up.
Some studies have found such an increase, but the agency disagrees.
A 2009 study, found a 30% increase in Chinese diabetes over 7 years.
By contrast, the 1990 census found an increase of only 6 percent in the white population.
For example, the city said the public school system had eliminated 90 staff members but the report found an increase of 404 jobs.