I think it's commendable that they've found a different type of look.
With her day job at the firm and this gig, Taylor had found a type of harmony in her life.
'Perhaps she found a different type of man.'
Deeply flattered, he did his best to please such maidens, and in that effort found a special type of pleasure himself.
He'd found a new type of blue fluff, which he was grinding down.
Yesterday, detectives found a third type of shell.
I found a new type of language to tell what was painful to me - to give some elegance to the emotions.
When Anne reached home she found a very different type of boyhood waiting to be put to bed.
I have never yet found a satisfactory type of hairpin.
In certain areas, Spaniards found a native type of grapevine, but it did not lend itself well to winemaking.