The two found a skeleton in the filtration trap of the empty pool, and learn it was filled with salt water.
Within the cave he found a skeleton and a bundle of tightly wrapped scrolls.
They also found a skeleton with European clothes and a ships boat on runners containing two corpses.
He found an incomplete skeleton he thought might be a new species of Velociraptor, and wanted me to have a look.
In one of those archeologists found a grave and a skeleton.
Recently Yves Saquet found a third skeleton of the same age.
And it seems I've just found a skeleton that you two boys would probably prefer to keep in the closet.
In it was found a skeleton measuring over six feet, with a missing leg.
On October 1, 2009, scientists reported that they had found a skeleton, dating around 4.4 million years ago.
Hikers have found a huge skeleton of some kind of dinosaur in an old riverbed near here.