However, in a post-hoc analysis they found a 31% reduction in the risk of cancer in men, but not women.
The results of his review, which were presented at a medical conference, found a clear reduction in the frequency and severity of hot flashes.
For 11 of the strategies, the study found a "significant reduction" from one period to the next in the funds' "alpha."
An analysis two months after the initial one found a significant reduction in the chemicals.
In his research, Snell has found a negligible reduction in his own cardiovascular fitness over the years.
The Army, in a 1995 study, found a significant reduction in accidents in convoys when trucks were equipped with a warning system.
The study at Folsom also looked at anxiety measures and found a sharp reduction compared to controls.
Mine operators found a reduction in wages the easiest way to mitigate increased costs.
For agriculture as a whole - €49.8 billion in 2006 - the Court found a marked reduction in the estimated overall level of error.
Previous smaller studies also found a reduction in mortality.