He found a flat angular plate that looked oddly familiar.
The entrance was similar to kinds he had known and he found immediately a plate which must cover an exterior manual control.
At shoulder height, just beyond the second cut, he found a square plate and, in examining it, pressed.
When Bob arrived at his house, he found a plate of dinner waiting for him in the refrigerator.
Instead, on a shelf of rock set into the wall, nearly head high, he found a plate and a covered bowl.
Bill found a plate of mashed potatoes in front of him.
He found a plate, cut a slice, and took it over to one of the portholes.
After she had gone he went out, and found a plate of fresh doughnuts, covered with a napkin, placed on the bench at the door.
In it, Margo found a plate that showed the ancient gods, and she began to identify them.
He found a plate, put two sandwiches on it.