Often, these events foster new talent on the independent gaming scene.
The main purposes of the group are staging new Australian plays, fostering new talent and education.
Prosperous from their produce, they fostered artistic talent, looking to Mexico for new ideas.
The magazine has played and continues to play a role in fostering new talent in writing for children.
Under his tenure the school would develop its reputation for fostering world-class rugby talent.
In terms of fostering young talent, Pianofest has made its mark.
It deals with current issues such as fostering young talent, climate protection, energy supply or arms control through to science and cultural history issues.
These tend to be umbrella groups of adult amateur bands to foster new talent.
The Agency was established in 1991 to foster scientific research and talent for a knowledge-based Singapore.
It also touches on other issues, from the nature of appearance versus reality to the role of poverty in fostering true talent.