TWiG also offers educational programs on transgender issues and fosters trans inclusion in Keshet and in the broader Jewish community.
In 2005, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva launched a "people's computer" to foster digital inclusion, with government finance available and a fixed minimum configuration.
The initiative includes the deployment of learning labs, which are defined by 50x15 as "deliberate, measured, strategic deployments of technology solutions used to gain insight and knowledge on how best to foster digital inclusion worldwide."
It fosters diversity, inclusion, and excellence in philanthropic leadership for mid-career professionals.
IDAs can also play an important role in fostering social inclusion.
It is also essential that we amend what is known as the Lisbon Strategy, in order to achieve high-quality public services and to foster effective social inclusion.
The spring European Council specifically reaffirmed that strengthening social cohesion would remain a core objective of the Union and that modernising social protection and fostering social inclusion were key priorities.
If it is really concerned about minors' living conditions, the Italian Government should take action to ensure proper health conditions in the camps, to foster social inclusion and integration, and to promote schooling and entry into working life.
We hope, for example, that the economic growth being observed in many African countries will foster social inclusion and that it will reduce the level of poverty and social inequalities.
They create opportunities for the community to learn new skills and, by enabling people to act together, community development practitioners help to foster social inclusion and equality.