It is in our interest to settle regional conflicts in a way that fosters peace, freedom, and democracy, as we did in Central America.
It would also show that our commitment is to foster economic freedom rather than to arm an authoritarian government with repressive firepower.
With Iraq's aggression repulsed, the new challenge, he said, "is to reach higher - to foster economic freedom and prosperity for all people of the region."
It may be that, contrary to recent experience, greater trade ties will now foster greater freedom in China.
Most boards foster freedom of expression, though many have an ideological orientation.
Now, the challenge is to reach higher to foster economic freedom and prosperity for all the people of the region.
We foster freedom of expression, independent thinking, and positive personal values and qualities while maintaining a sense of responsibility to others through respect and cooperation.
Virtual spaces which foster such freedom and anonymity therefore allow users to depart from the expectations, norms, and behaviours of their daily lives.
They argue that the South had a culture that fostered and respected individual freedom in a way that centralized big government does not.
The case is being followed closely by the European Union, which says Turkey must foster more freedom of expression as a condition of membership.