Despite the bird's extinction, the high yield of DNA available from recovered fossilized eggs has allowed the moa to have its genome sequenced.
The finds, including a fossilized egg, were sent to Beijing where they ultimately became part of the collection of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology.
The geologists also found that the limestone bed containing the fossilized eggs was underlain by a layer of coarse sandstone and conglomerate with abundant dinosaurian fossil bones.
Another section of the exhibition includes several examples of dinosaur nests filled with fossilized eggs and in some cases with the delicate skeletons of hatchlings and juveniles.
"Ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the time, these fossilized eggs have nothing in them, so the idea that they contained something was exciting," Mr. Newman said.
The second fossilized egg was not studied.
Bauruoolithus is an oogenus of fossilized eggs belonging to an extinct crocodyliform from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil.
They found several dinosaur "nurseries" with clutches of fossilized eggs.
Several times over the three days at Flaming Cliffs, we find fossilized eggs, once a complete nest.
Upon hearing of the report of a fossilized egg, Takashi skips his plane trip to Mexico and heads to his office.