Paleontologists at the monument find, describe the location of, and collect fossil-bearing rocks from more than 700 sites.
Mexican amber is recovered from fossil-bearing rocks in the Simojovel region of Chiapas, Mexico.
Extensive areas of desert or semi-arid land tend to expose fossil-bearing rocks at the surface.
A hill behind the high school, to which anyone will direct you, seems to consist entirely of fossil-bearing rock.
What little fossil-bearing rock exists from this vast span of time is dominated by marine strata along the west coast.
These rest on older volcanic rocks 15-25 million years old with some older granites and fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks from around 100 million years ago.
The walls are tiled in blue and the stairwells faced with fossil-bearing rock.
The oldest fossil-bearing rocks bear the microscopic traces of single cells.
The cliffs of the Isle of Thanet are composed of chalk, a fossil-bearing rock.
The fossil-bearing rocks are fine-grained siltstones and mudstones that are part of the Purlawaugh formation.