First established in May 2002, by South Australian Premier Hon. Mike Rann to stimulate the local film industry and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the South Australian Film Corporation, the festival showcases and explores contemporary screen culture with a program of screenings, special events and forum sessions.
Each meeting commences with an open forum session, which gives local residents the opportunity to ask questions of their local members or to raise issues of local concern.
Note: We understand that the Italians have invited the Egyptians to be included in a morning session, but not the "forum" session that Aboul Gheit has asked for inclusion in.
The forum sessions are free and open to the public.
"Just before this forum session, I received word from the starship Enterprise that a shuttle is on its way, carrying an Etolosan ambassador--" Turchin strode forward to the speaker's well.
The forum sessions are designed to identify key challenges and opportunities for the entrepreneurs' innovations in an effort to accelerate these transformative efforts into the world with impact and scale.
The Global Mayors' Forum is divided into several conference sessions, forum sessions and meetings.
During forum sessions, students examine the complex environmental, geopolitical and economical issues facing Antarctica, while simultaneously exploring solutions and policy alternatives to the challenges facing the Antarctic and the planet.
Although many of the forum sessions were very worthwhile and indeed inspiring, the NGO voice was hijacked by the proponents of reparations for slavery and those pursuing the line that Zionism is racism.