She marched to the altar fully loaded with a fortune derived from Shell Oil, which was founded by her father, Marcus Samuel, one of the first British Jews to receive a peerage.
His fortune derived from the assignment of patents and royalties related to his automated newspaper-folding machine, a device used in conjunction with the large presses used to print newspapers.
His mother, whom he described as "an extremely conventional woman" who went to Mass "every day of her life," was the heir to a fortune derived from sugar.
He was killed in action and left a considerable fortune, derived from prize money, to his family, This windfall certainly helped John to buy back the fief and Manor House from Charles Andros in 1748.
She was the heiress to a substantial fortune derived from Barbados sugar plantations.
For fortunes derived from oil, the list used "bankers valuation" of what a person might pay for assets rather than the valuation of proven oil reserves.
The foundation was established by Frederick R. Koch - a major donor to the Pierpont Morgan Library, where he is a fellow - with a fortune derived from his family's oil and pipeline business in Wichita, Kan.
Plaques of beavers are located on the walls, in honor of John Jacob Astor's fortune derived from the beaver-pelt trade.
Koshland's private fortune, derived from Levi Strauss, put him on lists of America's wealthiest men.
Much of his fortune derived from licensing his intellectual rights; about 30,000 people were employed in 1785 in factories using Arkwright's patents.