Having established a fortified post on Mount Panachaikon, he laid waste the whole country as far as Rhion and Aigion.
On Dally's recommendation, Aizawl was selected as the site of a fortified post that Colonel Skinner had been ordered to construct.
The tomb, resembling a fortified military post with a small functioning yeshiva, became a frequent flash point.
In the 1840s, the French concluded a series of treaties with local West African rulers that enabled the French to build fortified posts along the Gulf of Guinea to serve as permanent trading centers.
The BA proceeded to build fortified posts in republican west Belfast, thus hampering the IRA's freedom of movement.
It is famous for the defeat of the three hundred Fabii, who had established a fortified post on its banks.
The council also had several houses, a fortified military post and barracks.
In addition, increasing tensions from occupying the homelands of the local Native Americans necessitated a permanent fortified post.
The town was isolated, and its capture could have no effect upon the general operations, but it is remarkable as the only capture of a fortified post up to this point made by the Boers.
Colombia had established a fortified post at La Pedrera on the southern bank of the Caquetá River, which, according to the Porras-Tanco Argáez Treaty of 1909, was within Peruvian territory.