It's refreshing to hear forthright opinions and proposals compared to the sanitised and standardised boll***s that we get from the other parties.
By contrast, when the stakes are as high as they can get, there is a special need for elected officials to avoid having a forthright opinion.
Only the bolder or more totally disillusioned parents braved his forthright opinions of their sons and heirs.
His forthright opinions certainly cost him friends and hardened the opinions of others about him.
In their 1996 Annual Report the Council reaffirmed its belief that although some editorials may give offence, newspapers have a right to express forthright opinions.
He concluded this forthright opinion with 'You can write that.'
Bille retained an interest in public affairs, particularly those of the sea and the navy, often contributing forthright opinions in discussions in the press.
Mr President, I am not in a position to express such a forthright opinion as some Members have done.
Fingleton was known for his forthright opinions and willingness to criticise, and his cricket reports were published by newspapers in several countries.
I could not have asked for a more honest or forthright opinion.