Geography Club and its four existing and forthcoming sequels comprise The Russel Middlebrook Series.
The forthcoming sequel to GunZ will reportedly retain some of the K-Style features, though they may be implemented differently.
Texas Monthly ended their review on a positive note, giving praise to the historical detail as well as the story's ending, which the reviewer believed would encourage readers to buy the forthcoming sequel.
At the end of the play, William Shakespeare announces a forthcoming sequel entitled Love's Labour's Won.
The review summed up the book as well-written and intriguing, adding that it "ends with much to explore in what one hopes will be swiftly forthcoming sequels."
Echoing Narcissus and Invoking Venus have been listed as forthcoming sequels.
The forthcoming sequel, Global Fire, will provide a global narrative history of the movement.
Revenge of the Space Viking, by John F. Carr (forthcoming sequel to Space Viking, set 5 years after the original)
Return of the Space Viking, by Jerry Pournelle (A forthcoming sequel to Space Viking that was first mentioned 30 years ago and is due from Pequod in 2014)
Merlin Binary, by Dietmar Wehr and John F. Carr (forthcoming sequel to The Cosmic Computer)