A colleague asked with great sincerity for my honest appraisal of his forthcoming novel.
His forthcoming novel, Solar, is about a prominent climate change scientist and is unlikely to take the orthodox line on global warming.
For the purpose of clarity, she plans to insert a version of it as an endpaper in the forthcoming novel.
The series will conclude in the forthcoming novel, The Warden and the Wolf King.
He has a forthcoming novel and once worked as an editor at America's Farmer, "the country's second oldest agricultural publication."
Many of her characters in her fiction are Jewish, and her forthcoming novel is about the Holocaust.
When he left, he carried only one suitcase, the contents of which inspire the reflections in his forthcoming novel.
Today, the task was to correct the proofs of her forthcoming novel.
A forthcoming graphic novel will pit Batman against an Al Qaeda threat.
Our goal is to publish something that is a satisfying story in its own right-not to present a writing sample from a forthcoming novel.