A similar experience is recounted, in a flashback of Corky's birth, in a forthcoming episode.
Curiously, Vince seems to have picked up the gesture, which can be seen in another forthcoming episode titled "The List."
"Arthur" viewers may discover these new characteristics resurfacing in forthcoming episodes.
Sondra London, the subject of a forthcoming episode, has interesting taste in men.
In a forthcoming episode, Lilly's daughter spends the day with her at the Bedford house.
And Nick is battling his own demons: in a forthcoming episode he takes drugs again and personally unravels.
The makeover comes after it was announced that the British band Coldplay will feature in a forthcoming episode of the popular series.
In a forthcoming episode, he will present young Bart Simpson with a penny.
Consider this a kind of introduction to some forthcoming episodes about the things we eat.
The network also screened forthcoming episodes of the series for test audiences in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.