Gideon knew the forthcoming engagement would be crucial.
Troops and auxiliaries, irrespective of creed, were to pray for the victory of Cam- pannlat in the forthcoming engagement.
Defense moves for an adjournment in view of the forthcoming engagement.
James walked back to Broadstairs alone, for Alfred had decided to continue to Ramsgate to purchase a new boater in honour of his forthcoming engagement to Beatrice.
The forthcoming engagement at the Joyce Theater, for a week starting Tuesday, represents its fourth visit to New York.
In a third studio, a longtime Graham lead dancer coached a younger company member for a forthcoming engagement.
Karfedelix Depar, I give you authority to handle and responsibility for handling correctly the forthcoming engagement.
On the morning of June 25, Custer divided his 12 companies into three battalions in anticipation of the forthcoming engagement.
The mornings provide an opportunity for Her Royal Highness to read briefs in preparation for forthcoming engagements.
A. The Royal Diary on the website lists all of the forthcoming engagements in the next two months.