Representationalism about Consciousness' forthcoming article for the Blackwell's Companion to Consciousness.
'Panpsychism', forthcoming article for the Cambridge Companion to Consciousness, .
It's a taster of a forthcoming article on the Foreign Affairs website with Ian Bremmer.
And all this contortion was induced by Brill's having leaked his own forthcoming article to the Times .
And, by the way, I take no, repeat,no, responcibility for what we say in this and the forthcoming articles.
The release was apparently intended to pre-empt a forthcoming article on the firm and Mr. Kroll in Manhattan Lawyer.
On June 22, the news of the forthcoming article reached the attention of the American print media and the White House.
A forthcoming article in The Washington Monthly shows that the foundations for one-party rule are being laid right now.
In a forthcoming article, Dr. Bancroft suggests that Kinsey might have wanted to shield King from public attention.
"More intense development and deployment of services that support pre-existing communities and strong relationships should be encouraged," the researchers write in their forthcoming article.