To the Editor: The changes made to the Book Review put an end to its wearisome predictability and its formulaic structure.
But the hilarity of her descriptions is undermined by the formulaic structure of the book.
Not only is the film's structure formulaic but so is the psychological development of each character.
Worse, the short-story form seems to inhibit Hammett, forcing him to rely on formulaic structures and clumsy exposition.
Scholars have examined Rocky IV and note the film's strong, yet formulaic structure that emphasizes the power of the individual, particularly an idealistic American.
Such repetitions and formulaic structures are common of orality and oral-formulaic composition.
It is the script that shoulders the film, but its formulaic structure adds to the drawbacks.
There are 24 songs, most with the same formulaic structure filled in with blunt, stream-of-consciousness lyrics about bands, journalists and an American Recordings executive.
Too often, video games can fall into a formulaic level-based structure that is more monotonous than challenging.
While both the brotherly chemistry between the lead actors and the decision to finish the main storyline were praised, the formulaic structure of the episodes was criticized.