The formula for determining your breakeven point requires no more than simple arithmetic.
By contrast, the fixed-payment formula will require the Government to pay farmers $4 billion to $5 billion a year.
We lack a fuel strong enough to produce the amount of heat this formula requires!
The formula required that the spell be repeated four times.
The judge suggested that the formula he is recommending could require generators to pay back hundreds of millions or "maybe a billion" dollars.
Any new formula, many superintendents and board members said, should require a minimum threshold of local spending.
Aynaoui made it on his own; no formula necessary, no Nick required.
The new formula requires an extremely accurate prediction of costs to keep all vouchers renewed.
The formula requires the summation, or adding up, of many terms or numbers.
Kincaid wondered what universal formula required that a person should sit down to receive bad news.