The bank is exercising an option to buy the property according to a formula based on its fair market value as of Jan 1, 1993.
The amount of money is determined by a formula based partly on population.
The states will divide their share using a formula based largely on population.
Each state is entitled to at least one House seat, with the rest allocated according to a complex formula based on population.
State and federal aid set by formulas based on population could be affected.
But even those supplies are determined by formulas based on the spot prices.
Under current law, initial benefits for retirees are set by a formula based on the growth in wages throughout the economy.
Palestinian aid would be paid out according to a formula based on "violence-free days."
Most New York participants receive the services free, while 18 percent contribute some money according to a formula based on their income.
After losses reach a catastrophic amount set by a formula based on the cost of a specific attack, the federal government steps in.