Therefore, the original formula approved by the FDA used chewable tablets that included an antacid buffering compound to neutralize stomach acid.
Jeevanee, a life-saving Oral Rehydration, based on a formula approved by the WHO and UNICEF.
Exorcisms may be carried out only in line with the Church's norms and discipline on the matter, and with the use of formulas approved by the Church.
According to contract, "It is forbidden to feed to the animals, wastes or other ingredients which are not part of the formula approved by the project."
Using an Adequate Yearly Progress rate, 78.5% of students graduate high school while other measures, such as the formula approved by the National Governors Association, give graduation rates as low as 39.8%.
Meanwhile, he said, no agreement has been reached on whether Russia will assume responsibility for all of the Soviet debt or whether it will be liable for only 61 percent, under the formula approved by the 12 republics.
Sho-saiko-to (SST) is a classical herbal formula among 210 formulas approved as ethical drugs used in Japan, also known as Kampo.
Under a formula approved by the Board of Public Utilities, the credit will be based on a rate of 3.39 cents a therm.
The 460-seat house was elected in 1989 under a formula approved by the Communists.
The formula approved last night would give $12.8 billion to the state, $6.7 billion to the city and $5.5 billion to the 57 counties outside the city.