This must have been formidable terrain for anyone to hold.
It was guarded from overland approach by formidable terrain, yet he could call upon the German Commissioner for stores and labour and protection.
Newcastle leg - Due to the density of existing development and the formidable terrain, there is no easy way of exiting Sydney to the north.
Nepal's army, outnumbering the Maoists at best seven to one, is stretched far too thinly over the country's formidable terrain to defeat them, he said.
Further, many valles feature broad plains created by river floodplains or ancient lake beds, that serve better than the steeper more formidable terrain of the yungas.
His body ached after almost six grisly hours in the bike saddle over some of the most dark and formidable terrain he'd ever traversed.
Because of the formidable terrain held by the German forces, extra support was called in.
Now he pointed out at the formidable terrain before them.
The Tour de France is a grueling bicycle race that lasts for three weeks and winds its way through some of France's most formidable terrain.
Europe was otherwise mountainous and covered over with dense forest, a formidable terrain for warm-weather savanna dwellers.