She is a formidable leader and leaves an indelible mark on The Salvation Army.
The Belgae have thrown up a formidable leader.
She led them against occupying English forces and proved herself to be a formidable leader.
In other circumstances he could have developed into a formidable leader, even prime minister.
He looked like and sounded like-maybe even is in the process of once again becoming-a formidable leader.
Failure could cause many teamsters to view him as a flawed mortal, and success would help show that he is a formidable leader.
He is proving to be a formidable leader of the Labour party and has shown me nothing but support and kindness.
'In that, he showed the wisdom that made him such a formidable leader of men.'
In those tough political years, she turned herself into a formidable leader.
He came to be regarded as the most formidable leader of the Boers in their guerrilla warfare.