Directly beneath the dome stood a tall, formidable full-bosomed lady.
I would like to know more about this formidable lady.
One session with that formidable lady's will concentrated on him and him alone was more than enough.
Mr. Neary gives this rather formidable lady an impatient look.
Martin didn't hesitate to make good his escape on the arm of the formidable old lady.
Was he trying to drag her off for some interview with his formidable lady?
He found himself in front of a formidable young lady in black, and unprepared with any formula.
Your brother and his formidable lady have not yet returned from their pursuit of our enemy, you said.
She's reputed to be a very formidable lady and one who knows Ginnie better than anyone else.
Ann told me you were a formidable lady, whose articles are nearly always very scathing.