He waited, but the only response came from a huge, silver-bellied Frill who cruised past him snapping his formidable jaws.
The people who live under the formidable jaw of Pikes Peak like their churches, houses and cars big, and their government small.
Top, his formidable jaws open, preceded the colonists, and he was followed by Jup, armed with knotty cudgel, which he brandished like a club.
He could - and had - snapped a man's leg in half with those formidable jaws.
Also, its two front legs had formidable jaw with serrated, heavy teeth which could, if the animal wer alive, inflict substantial harm.
Aurelia's formidable jaw jutted forward.
If he could keep them from closing those formidable jaws on him Quickly Blade began searching the ground for sticks and lengths of vine.
Yet the likeness was there, stressed most strongly by the set of long, passionate lips and formidable jaw.
It was a large black beetle with formidable jaws - a "pinchbug," he called it.
It packed a formidable jaws armed with teeth up to 14 cm (5.5 inches) long.